Voltage Research Program
We want to inspire and train the next generation of economists.
Joining the John List Voltage Research Program will provide you insights into current economic research, teach you essential skills and provide a community of likeminded students.
For over 17 years, John List and his team have trained more than 1,000 students and research scholars. The John List Voltage Research Program combines all the experiences, skills, and feedback collected to provide a unique opportunity for students to gain first-hand research experience.
“I got invaluable hands-on experience with research that I found interesting. I also feel that the connections that I made during this program were significant.”
These are just some of the many skills and fields you may encounter and learn throughout our program.
Data Manipulation
Machine Learning
Data Visualization
Economic Research
Education Economics
Literature Review
Sports Economics
Problem Solving
Spatial Economics
Selenium and BS4
Field Experiments
Environmental Economics
Data Manipulation • Machine Learning • R • Stata • Data Visualization • Economic Research • Python • Education Economics • Literature Review • Sports Economics • Problem Solving • Spatial Economics • Selenium and BS4 • Econometrics • Field Experiments • Environmental Economics •
The Voltage Research Program is an overhaul of the traditional internship and RA paradigm. We aim to cultivate skills that are increasingly important in today’s research and engage students in practical, hands-on experience with cutting-edge economic research. We also offer training to students, which you can learn more about here.
Participants will collaborate with research professionals at the Becker Friedman Institute for Economics and assist research projects led by John List. Our research professionals are all excellent former undergraduates and masters students and will offer guidance and teach relevant skills to program participants, helping them get the most out of the internship and assistantship.
Each participant will be assigned to a team based on their skills and interests. A research professional will lead the team, along with weekly meetings to explain the bigger picture of the research project that the team is engaged in. Through these meetings, participants will not only learn the necessary skills to do economic research, but also get an understanding of the economic research process and the economic field that their project is in.
The skills you will learn and the projects that you will be working on are invaluable in today’s research process. This program is an excellent choice for people looking to go to graduate school for economics, work in the data science industry, or are simply curious about the economic research process.
What to expect
Training modules in Stata, R, and Python.
Fixed working schedule of at least three 2-hour slots per week
Regular research meetings on campus.
Part of a fixed research team led by one of our research professionals
Optional remote work possible for one 2-hour slot
Quarterly commitment: the program begins on the first week and ends on the finals week of each academic quarter.
Quarterly social events (on-campus only)
Be part of a likeminded group of students who are interested in economics
1-to-1 research experience with our research professionals
Invitations to John List’s meetings and seminars for selected research assistants
Certificate after completing the Voltage Research program
Recommendation letter from John List after 2 quarters of quality work in the Voltage Research program
John List’s RAs have gone to top universities in the US and in Europe such as Harvard, MIT, Brown or made successful careers in top consulting companies and investment banks, such as Bain and Company.
Paid part-time position for the advanced program.
This program is best suited for early undergraduates who wish to get their feet wet in economic research. Tasks entail data cleaning, literature review, some coding, and other tasks as needed for each research project.
You need to be an undergraduate or masters student at the University of Chicago.
You must be able to meet the team in-person, on campus, at Saieh Hall for Economics.
You must be able to commit at least 6 hours a week for the program.
You want to engage in economic research!
This is a paid, part-time program best suited for advanced undergraduate or masters students who wish to further develop their research skills. Tasks will mostly entail significant amounts of coding and data manipulation.
You need to be an undergraduate or masters student at the University of Chicago.
You must be able to meet the team in-person, on campus, at Saieh Hall for Economics.
You must be able to commit 6 or 10 hours a week for the program.
You have prior research experience or have high levels of coding skills.
Other specific skills as required for each specific position.
Bronze John List Undergraduate Program Certificate after 2 quarters of RA work + completion of 2 training sequences or coding proficiency on data task
Silver John List Undergraduate Program Certificate after 3 quarters of RA work + completion of 3 training sequences or coding proficiency on data task
Gold John List Undergraduate Program Certificate after 4 quarters of RA work + completion of 4 training sequences or coding proficiency on data task
Recommendation letter from John List is available after at least 2 quarters of quality RA work + completion of 2 training sequences or coding proficiency on data task
Extra benefits for RAs working more than one academic year
Click here to apply and join the John List Voltage Undergraduate RA Program and become part of our community!