Our Team

John A. List

John is the Kenneth C. Griffin Distinguished Service Professor of Economics. His passion is using field experiments to explore economic questions. He views field experiments as representing a unique manner in which to obtain data because they force the researcher to understand everyday phenomena, many of which we stumble upon frequently.

Research Professionals

  • David Franks, Research Professional

    A native of the Midwest, David got a baccalaureate degree from Indiana University in 2015 and a master’s degree in public policy from the University of Chicago Harris School in 2019. He has been an RP since 2021. His main research interests are behavioral economics, public policy, and the intersection of the two.
    Email: dfranks@uchicago.edu

  • Charles Shi, Research Professional

    Charles received his BA in Economics and BS in Mathematics from the University of Chicago in 2021. He is from Hong Kong and works on projects involving experimental methodology, early education, and baseball. His research interests lie in using rigoros economic approaches on novel phenomena that are not traditionally thought of as economics, like COVID and social psychology. Email: charlesshi@uchicago.edu

  • Jonathan Lambrinos, Research Professional

    Jonathan received his BA in Economics and Mathematics from Kenyon College. He is from Aruba and his research interest broadly include education, development, and behavioral economics. Email: jlambrinos@uchicago.edu

  • Francesca Pagnotta, Research Professional

    Francesca graduated from the University of Edinburgh in July 2023 with a MA (Hons) in Economics. She is interested in applied microeconomics with a particular focus on environmental and education economics. She is currently working on a charitable giving project and on one studying adolescent skill formation with a focus on peer effects. Email: fpagnotta@uchicago.edu

  • Maximilian Hippold, Research Professional

    Max received a BSc in Economics from the Ludwig-Maximilians -Universität in Munich. He joined John List’s team after his MSc in Economics at the London School of Economics in 2022. His research interests span the entire field of applied microeconomics with a specific focus on studying interventions that have the potential of impacting a large share of our society. Email: mhippold@uchicago.edu

  • Faith Fatchen, Research Professional

    Faith graduated from California State University Chico in 2022 with a B.A. in Economics and B.S. in Mathematics. She is interested in behavioral, education, and health economics. She is particularly interested in the complexity of economic opportunity and inclusion. Email: ffatchen@uchicago.edu

  • Lina M. Ramirez, Research Professional

    Lina works on projects that use field experiments to answer questions about education, critical thinking, and misinformation. She is a junior researcher of the Joint Initiative for Latin American Experiments (JILAEE) launched by John in 2019. Her research interests lie in the intersection between behavioral, education, and development economics. She is from Colombia and holds a MSc and BA in Economics from Universidad de Los Andes in Bogota. Email: lmramirez@uchicago.edu

  • Uditi Karna, Research Professional

    Uditi works on experimental projects studying adolescent skill formation, the impact of Covid-19 on education, and educational inequity. She has particular interest in systemic discrimination, human capital development, and disparities in economic opportunity. She received her B.A. in Economics with a specialization in Data Science and a minor in Statistics from the University of Chicago in 2020. Email: uditi@uchicago.edu