You can skip any chapter or video if you already are familiar with the concepts therein. This should mostly be a review of concepts you already know.
Do P-Set 1
Download the .zip folder here and unzip it. Do not change the folder structure (do not move files around in the folder to tackle this task)!
Fix all file paths in the .py script so that they reference the correct databases.
Using the method detailed in Chp 11.4, open the file referenced in filepath2, then:
Submit your task in a .zip or .7z compressed file with the original folder structure. (The only modification should be to the .py script)
P-Set 1
Remember to document your code well. Report all results in a LaTeX-rendered PDF document. Submit your .py file and your .PDF file in a single compressed folder (.7z, .zip, or .rar). Do not include the QJE files or the Opportunity Insight files.
Download the PDF files at Create a Python script in the same folder as the PDF files.
A coauthor finds the underscores “_” extremely ugly. In the Python script, rename all files to remove the underscores and replace them with spacebars.
Download the Opportunity Insights data on colleges and outcomes at
Import the CSV in the Python script as a Python dictionary. Download the codebook at to understand the variables. (Hint: use set comprehension)
Using comprehension, delete all schools with a count of less than 100.
Print every school in Texas and their mobility rate, separated by line for each school.
Write a new CSV with the semicolon delimiter (;) and with the state variable removed based on this new data.