Python Intermediate Modules

The Python Intermediate modules assume familiarity with Python. We will be focusing on two important tools you can use with Python: Pandas and web scraping tools (BS4 and Selenium) in each quarter. In the third quarter, we will go through four projects that introduce you to an array of various packages and APIs. These data tasks aim to develop your skills in installation, reading documentation, debugging, and quickly learning new packages and APIs with Python.


Quarter 1

  1. Python Review (httlads: Chp 4)

  2. Regular Expressions (py4e-int: Chp 12)

  3. Pandas Part 1: Basics

  4. Pandas Part 2 (Schafer: Videos 5-7)

  5. Pandas Part 3 (Schafer: Videos 8-9)

  6. Pandas Part 4 (Schafer: Videos 10-11)

  7. Data Task 1

Quarter 2

  1. HTML and Simple Scraping (py4e-int: Chp 13-14, Schafer: BeautifulSoup)

  2. Data Task 2: Complex Scraping

  3. Selenium Part 1 (Selenium Documentation Section 1-3)

  4. Selenium Part 2 (Selenium Documentation Section 4-5)

  5. Selenium Part 3 (Selenium Documentation Section 6-7)

  6. Data Task 3: Complex Scraping + Selenium

Quarter 3

  1. Data Task 4: Win32Com

  2. Data Task 5: PDF

  3. Data Task 6: SQL

  4. Data Task 7: Google Cloud API

  5. Data Task 8: Spotify API